The ancient exchequer of England; the Treasury; and origin of the present management of the Exchequer and Treasury of Ireland /
Thomas, Francis Sheppard, 1794?-1857.
The ancient exchequer of England; the Treasury; and origin of the present management of the Exchequer and Treasury of Ireland / by F.S. Thomas. - London : John Petheram, 1847. - vii,174p.
England. Exchequer --History.
Great Britain. Treasury --History.
Ireland. Exchequer --History.
The ancient exchequer of England; the Treasury; and origin of the present management of the Exchequer and Treasury of Ireland / by F.S. Thomas. - London : John Petheram, 1847. - vii,174p.
England. Exchequer --History.
Great Britain. Treasury --History.
Ireland. Exchequer --History.