Two letters the one being intercepted by the Parliaments forces, which was sent from Sir Hugh Cholmley to Captain Gotherick, ... advising him to quit Wrestle-castle, ... The other Captain Gothericks honest advice, in answer to the said Sir Hugh, detesting so treacherous and unworthy an act ...
Cholmley, Hugh, Sir, 1600-1657.
Two letters the one being intercepted by the Parliaments forces, which was sent from Sir Hugh Cholmley to Captain Gotherick, ... advising him to quit Wrestle-castle, ... The other Captain Gothericks honest advice, in answer to the said Sir Hugh, detesting so treacherous and unworthy an act ... - [London] : printed for Edw. Husbands, Iuly 12. 1643. - 8p. ; 4.°
Wing C3925A.
Great Britain--History--Civil War, 1642-1649.
Two letters the one being intercepted by the Parliaments forces, which was sent from Sir Hugh Cholmley to Captain Gotherick, ... advising him to quit Wrestle-castle, ... The other Captain Gothericks honest advice, in answer to the said Sir Hugh, detesting so treacherous and unworthy an act ... - [London] : printed for Edw. Husbands, Iuly 12. 1643. - 8p. ; 4.°
Wing C3925A.
Great Britain--History--Civil War, 1642-1649.