The saddle put on the right horse; or, some thoughts, on a more equitable mode of taxing the inhabitants of the British dominions. Whereby much greater sums might be annually raised than at present, and the burthens of the poor either wholly removed, or considerably lightened, without the least additional expense to government. Most humbly submitted to the legislatures of Great-Britain and Ireland.
The saddle put on the right horse; or, some thoughts, on a more equitable mode of taxing the inhabitants of the British dominions. Whereby much greater sums might be annually raised than at present, and the burthens of the poor either wholly removed, or considerably lightened, without the least additional expense to government. Most humbly submitted to the legislatures of Great-Britain and Ireland.
- Dublin : Printed by William Spotswood, 1782.
- [2], 22p. ; 8.°
estc n021394
Finance, Public--Great Britain--1688-1815.
estc n021394
Finance, Public--Great Britain--1688-1815.