The traytors rewarded: or, the execution and confession of Edward Fitz Harris and Oliver Plunket, two notorious traytors, who were drawn to Tyburn on sledges, and there executed on the first of this instant July, 1681. For contriving, and trayterously carrying on the late hellish plot, by not only devising to destroy the life of His Majesty, but to deliver up these kingdoms to a forreign power, &c.
The traytors rewarded: or, the execution and confession of Edward Fitz Harris and Oliver Plunket, two notorious traytors, who were drawn to Tyburn on sledges, and there executed on the first of this instant July, 1681. For contriving, and trayterously carrying on the late hellish plot, by not only devising to destroy the life of His Majesty, but to deliver up these kingdoms to a forreign power, &c.
- a London : printed for Richard Hill, 1681.
- 4p. ; fol.
Wing T2026A.
Fitz-Harris, Edward, 1648?-1681.
Plunket, Oliver, 1629-1681.
Popish plot, 1678.
Wing T2026A.
Fitz-Harris, Edward, 1648?-1681.
Plunket, Oliver, 1629-1681.
Popish plot, 1678.