The laws, customs, and privileges, and their administration, in the island of Jersey; with notices of Guernsey :
Le Cras, Abraham Jones.
The laws, customs, and privileges, and their administration, in the island of Jersey; with notices of Guernsey : also a commentary on certain abuses, and a petition to Parliament. For a reform of the same / by Abraham Jones Le Cras ... - London : Longman & Co., and Butterworth, 1839. - xviii, 400p.
Channel Islands--Constitutional law.
The laws, customs, and privileges, and their administration, in the island of Jersey; with notices of Guernsey : also a commentary on certain abuses, and a petition to Parliament. For a reform of the same / by Abraham Jones Le Cras ... - London : Longman & Co., and Butterworth, 1839. - xviii, 400p.
Channel Islands--Constitutional law.