Unemployment and jobseeking : the experience of claimants who work part-time /
Shropshire, Jules.
Unemployment and jobseeking : the experience of claimants who work part-time / Jules Shropshire, Rebecca Warton and Robert Walker. - [London] : Department for Education and Employment, 1999. - 27p. - Research reports (Great Britain. Department for Education and Employment) ; no. 105 . - Research reports (Great Britain. Department for Education and Employment) ; no. 105 .
Part-time employment--Great Britain.
Job hunting--Great Britain.
Unemployment--Great Britain.
Unemployment insurance claimants--Great Britain
Unemployment and jobseeking : the experience of claimants who work part-time / Jules Shropshire, Rebecca Warton and Robert Walker. - [London] : Department for Education and Employment, 1999. - 27p. - Research reports (Great Britain. Department for Education and Employment) ; no. 105 . - Research reports (Great Britain. Department for Education and Employment) ; no. 105 .
Part-time employment--Great Britain.
Job hunting--Great Britain.
Unemployment--Great Britain.
Unemployment insurance claimants--Great Britain