Cooper A. A., . (1681). The proceedings at the Sessions house in the Old Baily, London, on Thursday the 24th day of November, 1681. Before His Majesties commissioners of Oyer and terminer, upon the bill of indictment for high treason against Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury. Published by his Majesties special command. London: Printed for Samuel Mearne and John Baker.
Cooper Anthony Ashley, . 1681. The proceedings at the Sessions house in the Old Baily, London, on Thursday the 24th day of November, 1681. Before His Majesties commissioners of Oyer and terminer, upon the bill of indictment for high treason against Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury. Published by his Majesties special command. London: Printed for Samuel Mearne and John Baker.
Cooper A. A., . (1681). The proceedings at the Sessions house in the Old Baily, London, on Thursday the 24th day of November, 1681. Before His Majesties commissioners of Oyer and terminer, upon the bill of indictment for high treason against Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury. Published by his Majesties special command. London: Printed for Samuel Mearne and John Baker.
Cooper Anthony Ashley, . The proceedings at the Sessions house in the Old Baily, London, on Thursday the 24th day of November, 1681. Before His Majesties commissioners of Oyer and terminer, upon the bill of indictment for high treason against Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury. Published by his Majesties special command. London: Printed for Samuel Mearne and John Baker. 1681.