Soft skills (Topical Term)
- Skills, Soft
- Broader heading: Ability
Work cat.: Lee, T.-T. Elementary school educators' perceptions of needed competencies, beyond those taught in a teacher education program, to be effective elementary school teachers in Taiwan, 2006: p. xviii (soft skills; "This study focused on identifying the soft skills necessary for elementary school teachers to fulfill their teaching professional obligations.")
Heery, E. and M. Noon. A dict. of human resource management, 2nd ed., rev., 2008, via WWW, Oct. 14, 2008 (soft skills; "competencies that employees possess associated with activities such as customer handling, communication, problem-solving, and teamworking ... The definition of soft skills sometimes includes loyalty, enthusiasm, punctuality, and a strong work ethic ...")
Klaus, P. The hard truth about soft skills, 2007.
Wikipedia, via WWW, Oct. 14, 2008 (soft skills; "a sociological term which refers to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, ability with language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that mark people to varying degrees. Soft skills complement hard skills, which are the technical requirements of a job.")
LC database, Oct. 14, 2008 (soft skills)
The emotionaly intelligent office, 2018.