Davis, Mark (Mark David McGregor) (Personal Name)
Sex, technology, and public health, 2009: E-CIP t.p. (Mark Davis; Monash Univ., Australia)
Monash Univ., Sociology WWW staff page, viewed July 16, 2008 (Dr. Mark David McGregor Davis; PhD; lect. in Sociology, Sch. of Political and Social Inquiry)
HIV treatment and prevention technologies in international perspective, 2010: ECIP t.p. (Mark Davis) data view (b. Apr. 15, 1963)
Disclosure in health and illness, 2014: t.p. (Mark Davis) contributor p. (senior lecturer at the School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University, Australia)
Davis M. and Lohm, D. Pandemics, publics and narrative, 2020.