Coming out (Sexual orientation) (Topical Term)
- Closet, Coming out of the (Sexual orientation)
- Earlier heading: Coming out (Sexual identity)
- Coming out of the closet (Sexual orientation)
- Broader heading: Bisexual people Identity
- Broader heading: Gay people Identity
- Closeted gay people
Random House.
Women's thes.
Hennepin (Gay men--Coming out; Lesbians--Coming out)
LC data base, 11/29/90.
GSSO - the Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation ontology, Feb. 8, 2023 (coming out. SN A metaphor for LGBTQIA+ people's self-disclosure of their sexual orientation or of their gender identity. The term coming out can also be used in various non-LGBTQIA+ applications (e.g. atheists). Framed and debated as a privacy issue, coming out of the closet is described and experienced variously as a psychological process or journey; decision-making or risk-taking; a strategy or plan; a mass or public event; a speech act and a matter of personal identity; a rite of passage; liberation or emancipation from oppression; an ordeal; a means toward feeling gay pride instead of shame and social stigma; or even career suicide. Author Steven Seidman writes that "it is the power of the closet to shape the core of an individual's life that has made homosexuality into a significant personal, social, and political drama in twentieth-century America". Has synonym: coming out of the closet)
Homosaurus, Feb. 8, 2023 (Coming out. SN Process of accepting and sharing one's sexual or gender identity with oneself and/or others.)
Callahan, RC. The effects of the coming out process on academic experience among lesbian, gay, and bisexual university students, 2011. (OCoLC)768345725
Movick, Teresa A. Factors that influence the coming out process for lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals, 2010. (OCoLC)662652319
Hooi, Vicky L. T. A case study : bisexual coming out experience and the role of therapy, 2016. (OCoLC)973883924
Here are entered works on the process of accepting and sharing one's sexual orientation with oneself and/or others.