Persons (Topical Term)
- Individuals (Persons)
- People
Am. heritage dict. (individual: a person distinguished from others by a special quality)
Amer. Heritage dict. of the Engl. lang., via WWW, June 20, 2005 (people: 1. Humans considered as a group or in indefinite numbers: People were dancing in the street. I met all sorts of people. 2. A body of persons living in the same country under one national government; a nationality. 3. Inflected forms: pl. peoʺples A body of persons sharing a common religion, culture, language, or inherited condition of life. 4. Persons with regard to their residence, class, profession, or group: city people. 5. The mass of ordinary persons; the populace.)
Merriam-Web. online dict., June 20, 2005 (people: 1 plural : human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest; 2 plural : HUMAN BEINGS, PERSONS -- often used in compounds instead of persons <salespeople>; 3 plural : the members of a family or kinship; 4 plural : the mass of a community as distinguished from a special class <disputes between the people and the nobles> -- often used by Communists to distinguish Communists from other people; 5 plural peoples : a body of persons that are united by a common culture, tradition, or sense of kinship, that typically have common language, institutions, and beliefs, and that often constitute a politically organized group)