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Britain's remembrancer. Being some thoughts on the proper improvement of the present juncture. The character of this age and nation. A brief view, from history, of the effects of the vices which now prevail in Britain, upon the greatest Empires and States of former times. Remarkable deliverances this nation has had in the most imminent dangers; with suitable reflections. Some hints, shewing what is in the power of the several ranks of people, and of every individual in Britain, to do toward securing the state from all its enemies. The fifth edition.

By: Burgh, James.Publisher: London : Printed for G. Freer; and M. Cooper, 1748Description: 48p. ; 8.°.Subject(s): Great Britain -- History -- George II, 1727-1760
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Reference material House of Lords Library - Palace Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor Peel Tracts VOL.54(13) (Browse shelf(Opens below)) 1 Not for loan 21075-1001
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VOL.54(10) An account of Mrs. Ireland, the mad-woman, in a letter to a friend in the country. To which is added, Attraction a poem. VOL.54(11) A view of the grievances of Ireland. By a true Patriot. The second edition. VOL.54(12) The farmer's letter to the protestants of Ireland. Number I. VOL.54(13) Britain's remembrancer. Being some thoughts on the proper improvement of the present juncture. The character of this age and nation. A brief view, from history, of the effects of the vices which now prevail in Britain, upon the greatest Empires and States of former times. Remarkable deliverances this nation has had in the most imminent dangers; with suitable reflections. Some hints, shewing what is in the power of the several ranks of people, and of every individual in Britain, to do toward securing the state from all its enemies. The fifth edition. VOL.54(14) A second letter on trade. To the farmer. VOL.54(15) A letter from Sir Richard Cox, Bart. to Thomas Prior, Esq; shewing, from experience, a sure method to establish the linen-manufacture; and the beneficial effects, it will immediately produce. VOL.54(16) An examination of the principles, and an enquiry into the conduct, of the two b*****rs; in regard to the establishment of their power, and their prosecution of the war, until the signing of the preliminaries. In a letter to a member of Parliament.

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