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Jus parliamentarium: or, The ancient power, jurisdiction, rights and liberties, of the most high court of Parliament, revived and asserted. In two parts. By William Petyt, ...

By: Petyt, William, 1636-1707.Publisher: London : Printed for and sold by J. Nourse, ...; M. Green, ...; Caesar Ward, and Richard Chandler, ...; [and 2 others], 1739Description: [22], xxiv, 180, [181]-[197], 182-400p. ; 2.°.Note: With a section page-numbered 181-197, square bracketed
Ms. annotations
Truro Quarto Copy Binder's title: Petyt's Jus Parliamentarium
Subject(s): Great Britain. Parliament -- Privileges and immunities
Item type Current library Collection Class number Copy number Status Barcode
Reference material House of Lords Library - Palace Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor 4 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) 1 Not for loan 32299-1001
Reference material Millbank 5 GCS, Room 1-01 Truro Quarto QTO PET (Browse shelf(Opens below)) 1 Not for loan 32299-2001
Browsing Millbank shelves, Shelving location: 5 GCS, Room 1-01, Collection: Truro Quarto Close shelf browser (Hides shelf browser)
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QTO OWE The reports of that late reverend and learned judge, Thomas Owen ... Wherein are many choice cases, most of them throughly argued by the learned serjeants and after argued and resolved by the grave judges of those times. With many cases wherein the differences in the year-books are reconciled and explained. With the exact alphabeticall tables, the one of the cases, and the other of the principall matters therein contained. QTO PAL Les reports de Sir Gefrey Palmer, chevalier & baronet; attorney general a son tres excellent majesty le roy Charles le second. Imprime & publie per l'original. Ovesque deux tables, l'un des nosmes des cases, l'auter des principal matters conteinus en yceux. QTO PAN Pandectæ Justinianeæ, in novum ordinem digestæ: cum legibus Codicis, et Novellis, guæ jus Pandectarum confirmant, explicant, aut abrogant. Præfixus est index titulorum & divisionum omnium, quo totius operis specimem quoddam & quasi materiarum appendix exhibetur: subjecta quoque tabula, qua nominatum leges omnes cum suis paragraphis & versiculis ordini Digestorum restituuntier... containens orationem de laudibus celeberrimi viri R.J. Pothier, ... QTO PET Jus parliamentarium: or, The ancient power, jurisdiction, rights and liberties, of the most high court of Parliament, revived and asserted. In two parts. By William Petyt, ... QTO POL The arguments and reports of Sr Hen. Pollexfen, Kt late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. In some special cases, by him argued during the time of his practice at the Barr. Together with divers decrees in the High Court of Chancery. Upon limitations of trusts of terms for years. The whole printed from the authors original manuscript. Revised and corrected with his own hand. Note, Whereas another author reports some of these cases falsly, this sets them right. And published with the allowance and approbation of the Lord Keeper and all the judges. QTO POP The tryal and conviction of John Tasborovgh and Ann Price for subornation of perjury, in endeavouring to perswade Mr. Stephen Dugdale to retract and deny his evidence about the horrid Popish plot: with an intention to stifle the further prosecution and discovery of the same. At the King's Bench Bar at Westminster, Thursday the third day of February, 1679/80. Before the Right Honourable Sir William Scroggs Knight, Lord Chief Justice, and the rest of the judges of that court. QTO POP The tryal and sentence of Elizabeth Cellier; for writing, printing, and publishing, a scandalous libel, called Malice defeated, &c. At the session in the Old-Bailey, held Saturday the 11th and Monday the 13th of Sept. 1680. Whereunto is added several depositions, made before, the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor.

With a list of subscribers; titlepage in red and black.

With a section page-numbered 181-197, square bracketed

Ms. annotations

Truro Quarto Copy Binder's title: Petyt's Jus Parliamentarium

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