A memorial by the E---l of K---ld----e, to His M-j--y, the 26th of May, 1753. Containing an account, and reasons of the discontents and divisions, that at present subsist among you M-j---y's most dutiful, faithful, loyal H---e of C--mm--ns, and devoted Ptotestants S-j-cts of I--l--d, humbly offr'd to your M-j---y's consideration. With the E--l of H----l----ss's letter, by His M--j--y's command, to the L--d Ch-n--ll-r of I--l--d, in answer to the E--l of K-ld--e's memorial. - London [i.e. Dublin?] : Printed for J. Swan, 1753. - 8p. ; 12.°

estc t001682.

Ireland--History--18th century.