Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey, 1751-1830.

Mr Halhed's speech in the House of Commons: his reply to Dr. Horne's sound argument & common sense, with cursory observations on the age of credulity, and his calculation on the millenium. With a paper containing remarks on the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, and the possibility of their being again called this year, on Monday May, the 4th, 1795. With a correct copy of the letter from Mr. Brothers to Philip Stevens, Esq. With his answer in the year 1790. The curious trial of Mr. Brothers, at the King's Arms, Palace Yard, Westminster: on a statua of lunacy, and a short account of the different parts of Mr. Brother's prophecys, which have been fulfilled. - London : Printed for G. Riebau and J. Wright, 1795. - 24p. ; 8.°

estc t102513.

Great Britain--History--1789-1820.