The lavves and actes of Parliament, maid be King Iames the First, and his svccessovrs kinges of Scotland: visied, collected and extracted furth of the register. The contentes of this bvik, are expreined in the leafe following.
- Edinburgh : Imprented be Robert VValde-graue prenter to the Kinges Majestie. 15 Martii. Anno Dom., 1597.
- [4], 24, 26-73, 75-88, 90-162, 178, [96]l. ; 2.°
Compiled by John Skene. Error in pagination: [1st sequence] 12 as 11; 144 as 142; 146 as 149; 153-54 as 152-53; [2nd sequence] 73 as 67; 172 as 170.
STC 21877.