Poverty and social exclusion in the UK. The nature and extent of the problem / Volume 1, edited by Esther Dermott and Gill Main.

Electronic book available via the Ebook Central platform.

Measuring poverty in the UK / The impoverishment of youth : poverty, deprivation and social exclusion among young adults in the UK / Improvement for some : poverty and social exclusion among older people and pensioners / Which men and women are poor? Gender, poverty and social exclusion / Better understanding of ethnic variations : ethnicity, poverty and social exclusion / Improving lives? Child poverty and social exclusion / The cost of children : parents, poverty and social support / A worsening picture : poverty and social exclusion and disabled people / Devolution and north/south division : poverty and social exclusion in the countries and regions of the UK / More similarities than differences : poverty and social exclusion in rural and urban locations / Conclusion : innovating methods, informing policy and challenging stigma / David Gordon -- Eldin Fahmy -- Demi Patsios -- Esther Dermott and Christina Pantazis -- Saffron Karlsen and Christina Pantazis -- Gill Main and Jonathan Bradshaw -- Esther Dermott and Marco Pomati -- Pauline Heslop and Eric Emerson -- Mike Tomlinson -- Nick Bailey and Maria Gannon -- Gill Main.

9781447332152 9781447332176 9781447332183 9781447332169 9781447332190

GBB7N4289 bnb

018637632 Uk

Poverty--Social aspects--Great Britain.
Marginality, Social--Great Britain.

Electronic books.
