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Your search returned 58 results.

The high price of bullion, a proof of the depreciation of bank notes. By David Ricardo.

by Ricardo, David, 1772-1823.

Edition: 4th ed., corr., to which is added an appendix, ...Publisher: London : Printed for John Murray, 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.19(10)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.19(10).
The high price of bullion, a proof of the depreciation of bank notes. By David Ricardo.

by Ricardo, David, 1772-1823.

Publisher: London : Printed for John Murray, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.137(5)] (2). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.137(5).
The mystery and method of His Majesty's happy restauration, laid open to publick view / by John Price.

by Price, John, 1625?-1691 | Maseres, Francis, 1731-1824.

Publisher: London : printed for James Vade, 1680Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 63E] (1). Location(s): Derby Room, Principal Floor 63E.
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer ... / by George Price, ...

by Price, George | Great Britain. Court of Exchequer | Great Britain. Court of Exchequer Chamber.

Publisher: London : Printed for W. Clarke and Sons, 1816-1832Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 47] (2). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor 47.
A proposal for lessening the excessive price of bread corn in Ireland.

Publisher: Dublin : Printed by R. Reilly. For Edward Eeshaw [Exshaw], 1741Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.49(8)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.49(8).
The high price of bullion, a proof of the depreciation of bank notes. By David Ricardo.

by Ricardo, David, 1772-1823.

Edition: Third edition, with additions.Publisher: London : Printed by Harding & Wright for John Murray, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.135(7)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.135(7).
A report from the Committee to whom the several lists of the officers and their deputies belonging to the several courts in Westminster-hall, and elsewhere, with the lists, accounts, and tables of fees claimed by them; which were presented to the House of Commons in the last, and present session of Parliament; and also the lists, accounts, and tables of fees of the officers and servants belonging to the judges of the several courts in Westminster-hall, and the circuits, the associates, and clerks of assize, presented to the said House in the session of Parliament preceding the last, were referred. Published by order of the House of Commons.

by Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.

Publisher: London : Printed for R. Williamson ... and W. Bowyer ..., 1732Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 6] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room, Principal Floor 6.
A letter from the Earl of Carlisle to Earl Fitzwilliam; in reply to his lordship's two letters.

by Howard, Frederick, 8th Earl of Carlisle.

Publisher: London : Printed for John Stockdale, 1795Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.199(6)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.199(6).
The tryal and conviction of John Tasborovgh and Ann Price for subornation of perjury, in endeavouring to perswade Mr. Stephen Dugdale to retract and deny his evidence about the horrid Popish plot: with an intention to stifle the further prosecution and discovery of the same. At the King's Bench Bar at Westminster, Thursday the third day of February, 1679/80. Before the Right Honourable Sir William Scroggs Knight, Lord Chief Justice, and the rest of the judges of that court.

by Tasborough, John | Price, Ann | Great Britain. Court of King's Bench.

Publisher: London : Printed for Robert Pawlett ..., 1679/80Availability: Items available for reference: Millbank [Call number: QTO POP] (1). Location(s): 5 GCS, Room 1-01 QTO POP.
The choice; inscribed to the Right Honourable John Ponsonby, Esq; ...

Publisher: Dublin : Printed for Samuel Price, 1756Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.39(14)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.39(14).
Remarks on the case of Crane v. Price, and on the judgment in that action, delivered by the Court of Common Pleas, on the 13th June, 1842, establishing the validity of Mr. Crane's patent for the combined use of hot air blast and anthracite or stone coal, as "an improvement in the manufacture of iron" / by David Rowland, ... With an appendix containing a copy of the judgment.

by Crane, Mr | Price, Mr | Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas.

Publisher: London : Printed and published by Charles Gilpin, ... Saunders and Benning, 1842Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: CRA] (1). Location(s): Truro Corridor, First Floor CRA.
Five sermons against popery. By Thomas Secker, L.L.D. Late Lord Archibishop of Canterbury.

by Secker, Thomas, 1693-1768.

Publisher: Dublin : Printed for Samuel Price, 1772Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.147(2)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.147(2).
Doubts as to the expediency of adopting the recommendation of the bullion committee. By John Fonblanque.

by Fonblanque, John de Grenier, 1760-1837.

Publisher: London : Printed for C. Chapple, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.19(2)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.19(2).
Observations on reversionary payments; on schemes for providing annuities for widows, and for persons in old age; on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives; and on the national debt. Also, essays on different subjects in the doctrine of life-annuities and political arithmetic; a collection of new tables, and a postscript on the population of the kingdom / by Richard Price, ... In two volumes. The whole new arranged, and enlarged by the addition of algebraical and other notes, and the solutions of several new problems in the doctrine of annuities ; by William Morgan, ...

by Price, Richard, 1723-1791 | Morgan, William, 1750-1833.

Edition: 7th ed.Publisher: London : London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies ..., 1812Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: PRI] (1). Location(s): Truro Corridor, First Floor PRI.
Practical observations on the Report of the Bullion-Committee / by Charles Bosanquet.

by Bosanquet, Charles, 1769-1850.

Publisher: London : Printed for J.M. Richardson, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.16(1)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.16(1).
The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Rochester. Containing I. The local statutes of that church. II. The inscriptions upon the monuments, tombs, and gravestones. III. An account of the bishops, priors, deans, and arch-deacons. IV. An appendix of monumental inscriptions in the cathedral church of Canterbury, supplementary to Mr. Somner's and Mr. Batteley's accounts of that church. V. Some original papers, relating to the church and diocese of Rochester.

by Rawlinson, Richard, 1690-1755.

Publisher: London : printed for W. Mears: amd J. Hooke, 1723Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 73D] (1). Location(s): Derby Room, Principal Floor 73D.
Substance of two speeches, delivered in the House of Commons, by the Right Honourable George Canning, on Wednesday the 8th, and Monday the 13th of May, 1811, in the Committee of the whole House; to which was referred, the report of the Committee, appointed in the last session of Parliament "to inquire into the cause of the high price of bullion, and to take into consideration the state of the circulating medium, and of the exchanges between Great Britain and foreign parts".

by Canning, George, 1770-1827.

Publisher: London : Printed for J. Hatchard, 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.105(2)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.105(2).
The history of the English Bible: with reflections.

by Religious Tract Society (London).

Publisher: London : Printed by Augustus Applegath and Edward Cowper, Duke Street, Stamford Street, for the Religious Tract Society and sold by J. Davis, 56, Paternoster-row and J. Nisbet, 15, Castle-street, Oxford-street, [between 1819 and 1823?]Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.55(8)] (1). Location(s): Librarian's Room, Principal Floor VOL.55(8).

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