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The high price of bullion, a proof of the depreciation of bank notes. By David Ricardo.

by Ricardo, David, 1772-1823.

Edition: 4th ed., corr., to which is added an appendix, ...Publisher: London : Printed for John Murray, 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.19(10)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.19(10).
The high price of bullion, a proof of the depreciation of bank notes. By David Ricardo.

by Ricardo, David, 1772-1823.

Publisher: London : Printed for John Murray, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.137(5)] (2). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.137(5).
The mystery and method of His Majesty's happy restauration, laid open to publick view / by John Price.

by Price, John, 1625?-1691 | Maseres, Francis, 1731-1824.

Publisher: London : printed for James Vade, 1680Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 63E] (1). Location(s): Derby Room, Principal Floor 63E.
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer ... / by George Price, ...

by Price, George | Great Britain. Court of Exchequer | Great Britain. Court of Exchequer Chamber.

Publisher: London : Printed for W. Clarke and Sons, 1816-1832Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 47] (2). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor 47.
Questions relating to schemes for granting reversionary annuities, together with some observations on annuity schemes ... Extracted from Observations on reversionary payments. &c. By Richard Price ...

by Price, Richard, 1723-1791.

Publisher: Dublin : printed by William M'Kenzie, [1784]Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.2(3)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.2(3).
A proposal for lessening the excessive price of bread corn in Ireland.

Publisher: Dublin : Printed by R. Reilly. For Edward Eeshaw [Exshaw], 1741Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.49(8)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.49(8).
A second series of facts and arguments; tending to prove, that the abilities of the two b-----rs, are not more extraordinary than their virtues. In a letter to a Member of Parliament. By the author of An examination of the principles, &c.

by Perceval, John, 2nd Earl of Egmont.

Publisher: London : printed for A. Price, 1749Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 6] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room, Principal Floor 6.
The trials of Thomas Price and Matthew Creese in the Court of Kings Bench for perjury in voting for Sir Francis Burdett at the late Middlesex election / taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney.

by Price, Thomas | Creese, Matthew | Gurney, Joseph, 1744-1815.

Publisher: London : printed for J. Hatchard; and sold by F. and C. Rivingtons; Richardsons; J. Asperne; and Sael, 1805Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 109A-B] (1). Location(s): Truro Room, Principal Floor 109A-B.
A letter to a Member of Parliament; occasioned by the publication of the report from the Select Committee on the high price of gold bullion. By Jasper Atkinson.

by Atkinson, Jasper, 1764-1844.

Publisher: London : Printed for J.J. Stockdale, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.16(8)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.16(8).
The high price of bullion, a proof of the depreciation of bank notes. By David Ricardo.

by Ricardo, David, 1772-1823.

Edition: Third edition, with additions.Publisher: London : Printed by Harding & Wright for John Murray, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.135(7)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.135(7).
A letter to the Right Hon. Henry Grattan, on the deplorable consequences resulting to Ireland, from the very low price of spirituous liquors; pointing out the causes of the aggravated encrease of those evils, and entreating his attention to the necessity and means of remedying them.

by Friend to Ireland.

Publisher: Dublin : Printed for J. Parry, 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.75(10)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.75(10).
Chronicon Preciosum : or, an account of English gold and silver money; the price of corn and other commodities; and of stipends, salaries, wages, jointures, portions, day-labour, &c, in England, for six hundred years last past: ... / by Bishop Fleetwood.

by Fleetwood, William, 1656-1723.

Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: London : Printed for T. Osborne, 1745Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 180B/B] (2). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor 180B/B.
A discourse on the love of our country, delivered on Nov. 4, 1789, at the meeting-house in the Old Jewry, to the Society for commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain. With an appendix, ... By Richard Price, ...

by Price, Richard, 1723-1791 | Revolution Society (London, England).

Publisher: London : printed by George Stafford, for T. Cadell, 1789Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 4] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room, Principal Floor 4.
An examination of the principles, and an enquiry into the conduct, of the two b*****rs; in regard to the establishment of their power, and their prosecution of the war, until the signing of the preliminaries. In a letter to a member of Parliament.

by Perceval, John, 2nd Earl of Egmont.

Publisher: London : Printed for A. Price, 1749Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.54(16)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.54(16).
Mans deliquencie attended by divine jvstice intermixt with mercy. Display'd in a sermon to the right honourable the House of Lords assembled in Parliament, in the abby church at Westminster, Novemb. 25. 1646. being the solemn day of their monethly fast. By William Price, ...

by Price, William, d. 1666.

Publisher: London : printed by R.R. for Richard Whitaker, 1646Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.5(9)] (1). Location(s): Safe B Cupboard, Queen’s Room Bay 15 VOL.5(9).
Portfolio of fragments, relative to the history and antiquities of the county palatine and duchy of Lancaster / by Matthew Gregson.

by Gregson, Matthew, 1749-1824.

Publisher: Liverpool 1817Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 73I] (1). Location(s): Derby Room, Principal Floor 73I.
A letter from the Earl of Carlisle to Earl Fitzwilliam; in reply to his lordship's two letters.

by Howard, Frederick, 8th Earl of Carlisle.

Publisher: London : Printed for John Stockdale, 1795Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.199(6)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.199(6).
The state preferable to the church; or, reasons for making sale of the whole present property of the church in England and Ireland, for the use of the state; ... In a letter from a country gentleman to the representative of his county in Parliament.

Publisher: London : Printed for M. Cooper, 1748Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.164(11)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.164(11).
A review of Dr. Price's writings, on the subject of the finances of this kingdom: to which are added the three plans communicated by him to Mr. Pitt in the year 1786, for redeeming the national debt: and also an enquiry into the real state of the public income and expenditure, from the establishment of the consolidated fund to the year 1791. By William Morgan, F.R.S.

by Morgan, William, 1750-1833.

Publisher: London : Printed by G. Stayford: and sold by T. Cadell, 1792Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.89(14)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.89(14).
The choice; inscribed to the Right Honourable John Ponsonby, Esq; ...

Publisher: Dublin : Printed for Samuel Price, 1756Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.39(14)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.39(14).
Remarks on the case of Crane v. Price, and on the judgment in that action, delivered by the Court of Common Pleas, on the 13th June, 1842, establishing the validity of Mr. Crane's patent for the combined use of hot air blast and anthracite or stone coal, as "an improvement in the manufacture of iron" / by David Rowland, ... With an appendix containing a copy of the judgment.

by Crane, Mr | Price, Mr | Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas.

Publisher: London : Printed and published by Charles Gilpin, ... Saunders and Benning, 1842Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: CRA] (1). Location(s): Truro Corridor, First Floor CRA.
An answer to the pamphlet, intitled, "Thoughts on the causes and consequences of the present high price of provisions:" in a letter, addressed to the supposed author of that pamphlet. By a Gentleman of Cambridge.

by Gentleman of Cambridge.

Publisher: London : Printed for W. Bingley, 1768Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.49(14)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.49(14).
Some observations upon libels and the laws relating thereto. As also on the late Stamp-Act. By a Friend to Society.

by Friend to Society.

Publisher: Dublin : Printed for Samuel Price, 1774Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.178(9)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.178(9).
A new-years-gift to dram-drinkers, being an earnest address to them; from the late Reverend Stephen Hales ... To which is prefixed an epistle to them, by William Henry, ...

by Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761.

Publisher: [Dublin : printed for Samuel Price, 1762?]Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.90 (9/10)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.90 (9/10).
Five sermons against popery. By Thomas Secker, L.L.D. Late Lord Archibishop of Canterbury.

by Secker, Thomas, 1693-1768.

Publisher: Dublin : Printed for Samuel Price, 1772Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.147(2)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.147(2).
A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts and other publications, on the national debt and sinking fund : from the originals of Harley, Gould, Pulteney, Walpole, Hume, Price, Hamilton, and others.

by McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864 | Loyd, Samuel Jones, 1st Baron Overstone.

Publisher: London 1857Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 78D] (1). Location(s): Derby Room, Principal Floor 78D.
A letter to the Right Hon. Henry Grattan, on the deplorable consequences relating to Ireland, from the very low price of spirituous liquors; pointing out the causes of the aggravated encrease of those evils, and entreating his attention to the necessity and means of remedying them.

Publisher: Dublin : Printed for J. Parry, 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.281(6)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.281(6).
The Bishop of Salisbury's and the Bishop of Oxford's speeches in the House of Lords on the first article of the impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell; and also, the Bishop of Lincoln's and Bishop of Norwich's speeches at the opening of the second article of the said impeachment.

by Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715 | Talbot, William, 1658 or 9-1730 | Trimnell, Charles, 1663-1723 | Wake, William, 1657-1737.

Publisher: London : Printed, and sold by John Morphew, 1710Availability: Items available for reference: Millbank [Call number: QTO SAC] (1). Location(s): 5 GCS, Room 1-01 QTO SAC.
Observations on the present price of bullion, and rates of exchange; wherein the objections of Mr Bosanquet, and others, to the report of the Bullion Committee, are attempted to be over-ruled. By George Woods.

by Woods, George.

Publisher: London : Printed for R. Baldwin , 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.20(5)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.20(5).
The speech of Randle Jackson, Esq. delivered at the general court of the Bank of England, held on the 20th of September, 1810, respecting the Report of the Bullion Committee of the House of Commons; with notes on the subject of that report.

by Jackson, Randle, 1757-1837.

Publisher: London : Printed for J. Butterworth, J.M. Richardson, and J. Hatchard, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.136(7)] (2). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.136(7).
A digest of reports in equity: viz. Anstruther Ball & Beatty. Brown. Buck. Cooper. Cox. Daniell. Dickens. Eden. Forrest. Maddock. Merivale. Price. Rose. Schoales & Lefroy. Swanston. Vesey, Jun. Vesey & Beames. Wightwick. Wilson / by Anthony Hammond ...

by Hammond, Anthony, 1758-1838.

Publisher: London : Dublin : Printed for Joseph Butterworth and Son ; John Cooke, 1821Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: HAM] (1). Location(s): Truro Corridor, First Floor HAM.
Observations on the fallacy of the supposed depreciation of the paper currency of the kingdom; with reasons for dissenting from the report of the bullion committee. By Francis Perceval Eliot, Esq. &c. &c.

by Eliot, Francis Perceval, 1756?-1818.

Publisher: London : Printed for J.J. Stockdale, 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.18(3)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.18(3).
Doubts as to the expediency of adopting the recommendation of the bullion committee. By John Fonblanque.

by Fonblanque, John de Grenier, 1760-1837.

Publisher: London : Printed for C. Chapple, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.19(2)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.19(2).
War proved to be the real cause of the present scarcity, and enormous high price of every article of consumption, with the only radical remedies. By Robert Waithman.

by Waithman, Robert, 1764-1833.

Edition: The second edition.Publisher: London : Printed by W. Hughes for J.S. Jordan, 1800Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.156(6)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.156(6).
An enquiry into the effects produced on the national currency and rates of exchange, by the Bank Restriction Bill; explaining the cause of the high price of bullion, with plans for maintaining the national coins in a state of uniformity and perfection. By Robert Mushet, of His Majesty's mint.

by Mushet, Robert, 1782-1828.

Publisher: London : Printed for C. and R. Baldwin, By G. Sidney, Printer, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.136(4)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.136(4).
The speech of Stephen Cattley, Esq. at the Bank of England, on Thursday, the 21st of March, 1811, shewing that the present high price of bullion is owing to the indiscriminate grant of licences to foreign ships. To which is added an appendix.

by Cattley, Stephen.

Publisher: London : Printed for J.M. Richardson, and J. Hatchard, 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.19(7)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.19(7).
Government life annuities. Table of annuities granted on single lives, at every age, from 35 to 75, for each L100 stock, at the price of L3 per Cent. Consolidated or reduced bank annuities, from 60 to 80; also a table calculated to show what annuity upon the terms of the government table can by purchased for L100 sterling. By Richard Barnes, ...

by Barnes, Richard.

Publisher: London : Printed by Thomas Collins: Sold by Cadell and Davies; Mr Richardson; and Mr. Miller, 1808Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: PAM VOL.80(11)] (1). Location(s): Truro Corridor, First Floor PAM VOL.80(11).
The history and antiquities of the two parishes of Reculver and Herne, in the county of Kent. By John Duncombe, ... Englarged by subsequent communications.

by Duncombe, John, 1729-1786.

Publisher: London : printed by and for J. Nichols, 1784Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 72E] (1). Location(s): Derby Room, Principal Floor 72E.
Some hints to the Dublin Society, on the most important subject now before them in relation to a new list of premiums to take place after the present year 1775, for the encouragement of agriculture, manufactures and arts. By a Member of the Society.

by Member of the Society.

Publisher: [Dublin] : Printed for Samuel Price, No. 55, Henry-street, 1775Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.187(11)] (1). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.187(11).
A letter to the Right Hon. George Rose, M.P. Vice-President of the Board of Trade, &c. &c. in which the real causes of the scarcity and consequent high price of gold and silver are stated and exemplified. By Charles Lyne, Esq.

by Lyne, Charles.

Publisher: London : Printed for J.M. Richardson, and J. Hatchard, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.20(7)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.20(7).
A defence of bank notes against the opinions which have been published in the Morning Chronicle, Cobbett's Register, and a recent pamphlet, entitled the high price of bullion, a proof of the depreciation of bank notes, with observations on the balance of trade, and the course of exchange. By John Grenfell, Esq.

by Grenfell, John.

Publisher: London : Printed for John Walker; Richardson; Hatchard; and J. Faulder, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.19(5)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.19(5).
Thoughts on the expediency of establishing a new chartered bank, suggested by the application to Parliament for the establishment of a new chartered marine insurance company, and confirmed by the report of the bullion committee. By Joseph Marryat, Esq. M.P.

by Marryat, Joseph, 1757-1824.

Publisher: London : Printed by W. Hughes; sold by J.M. Richardson; and J. Hatchard, 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.20(2)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.20(2).
A master-key to popery. In five parts. Part I. Containing a discovery of the most secret practices of the secular, and regular Romish priests in their auricular confession ... Part V. Of the prayers, adoration of images, and relicks, &c. By D. Antonio Gavin ...

by Gavin, Antonio, fl. 1726.

Edition: The second edition, carefully corrected from the errors of the first, with large additions.Publisher: London : Printed for J. Stephens; and sold by A. Bettesworth, J. Osbourn, and T. Longman; W. Meadows and J. Brotherton; J. MacEuen in Edinburgh; and by the booksellers of Dublin, 1725Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 242E] (1). Location(s): Bishops’ Corridor, Principal Floor 242E.
An examination of the report of the bullion committee : showing that the present high price of bullion, together with the scarcity of gold coin, and also the low rate of the foreign exchanges, are not attributable to the issue of bank paper; and explaining what are the causes by which these effects have been produced. By Mr S. Cock, commercial agent for Liverpool.

by Cock, Simon.

Publisher: London : Printed by J. Dennett. Sold by J.M. Richardson and by J. Hatchard, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.136(3)] (2). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.136(3).
Short statement, of the trade in gold bullion; shewing the true causes of the general security and consequent high price of that precious metal; also, demonstrating that the notes of the Bank of England are not depreciated / by John Theodore Koster.

by Koster, John Theodore.

Publisher: Liverpool : Printed by Harris Brothers, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, London ..., 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.65(2)] (2). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.65(2).
An inquiry into the causes of the present high price of gold bullion in England, and its connection with the state of foreign exchanges, with observations on the report of the bullion committee. In a series of letters addressed to Thomas Thompson, Esq. M.P. one of the members of the bullion committee. By John Hill.

by Hill, John, of Hull.

Publisher: London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown and John Rodford, Hull, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.136(5)] (2). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.136(5).
Maxims of equity, collected from, and proved by cases, out of the books of the best authority in the high Court of Chancery. To which is added the case of the Earl of Coventry, concerning the defective execution of powers. Lately adjudged in the high Court of Chancery. By Richard Francis ...

by Francis, Richard | Coventry, Anne, 4th Countess of Coventry | Coventry, William, 5th Earl of Coventry | Great Britain. Court of Chancery.

Edition: The second edition.Publisher: [London] In the Savoy : Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edward Sayer, esq;) for Henry Lintot, ..., 1739Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: QTO FRA] (2). Location(s): Broad Sanctuary Room 1 QTO FRA.
Defence of abstract currencies, in reply to the Bullion report and Mr Huskisson / by Glocester Wilson.

by Wilson, Glocester.

Publisher: London : Printed for John Murray, 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.65(3)] (2). Location(s): Upper (Harcourt) Corridor, Second Floor VOL.65(3).
Practical observations on the Report of the Bullion-Committee / by Charles Bosanquet.

by Bosanquet, Charles, 1769-1850.

Publisher: London : Printed for J.M. Richardson, 1810Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.16(1)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.16(1).
An inquiry into the effects produced on the national currency and rates of exchange, by the Bank Restriction Bill; explaining the cause of the high price of bullion; with plans for maintaining the national coins in a state of uniformity and perfection. With the tables brought down to April 5, 1811; and some remarks on Mr Bosanquet's observations on the Bullion Report.

by Mushet, Robert, 1782-1828.

Edition: 3rd ed., corr. and enl.Publisher: London : Printed for Robert Baldwin , 1811Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.17(6)] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room Corridor, Principal Floor VOL.17(6).
The history of the English Bible: with reflections.

by Religious Tract Society (London).

Publisher: London : Printed by Augustus Applegath and Edward Cowper, Duke Street, Stamford Street, for the Religious Tract Society and sold by J. Davis, 56, Paternoster-row and J. Nisbet, 15, Castle-street, Oxford-street, [between 1819 and 1823?]Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: VOL.55(8)] (1). Location(s): Librarian's Room, Principal Floor VOL.55(8).
The queen's matrimonial ladder, a national toy, with fourteen step scenes; and illustrations in verse, with eighteen other cuts. By the author of "The political house that Jack built" [i.e. William Hone] ...

by Hone, William, 1780-1842 | Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878.

Edition: 37th ed.Publisher: London : printed by and for William Hone, 1820. This pamphlet and the toy together, one shillingAvailability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace [Call number: 4] (1). Location(s): Salisbury Room, Principal Floor 4.

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