[La graunde abridgement].
by Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538. Publisher: [S.l.] : [s.n.], xxi die Dicembr. 1516Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CUPBOARD BAY 15]
(1). Location(s): Queen's Room, Principal Floor CUPBOARD BAY 15.
La graunde abridgement, collecte par la iudge tresreuerend mōsieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierment conferre ouesque la copye escript et per ceo correcte, ouesque le nombre del sueil, per quel facilement poies trouer les cases cy abrydges en les liuers dans, nouelment annote: ïammais deuaunt imprimes. Auxi vous troueres les residuums de lauter liuer place icy in ceo liuer en le fyne de lour apte titles.
by Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538. Publisher: [London] : In æedibus Richardi Tottelli vicesimo die Augusti, 1577Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CASE/T5]
(1). Location(s): Truro Corridor, First Floor CASE/T5.
Les reports del cases en ley, que furent argues en le temps de ... roy Henry le Cinque ... avec les notations & references al [Sir Robert] Brook, [Sir Anthony] Fitzherbert & [Nicholas] Statham.
by England | Brook, Robert, Sir, d. 1558 | Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538 | Statham, Nicholas, d. 1472. Publisher: London : printed by George Sawbridge, William Rawlins, and Samuel Roycroft, ..., 1679Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CUPBOARD BAY 15]
(1). Location(s): Queen's Room, Principal Floor CUPBOARD BAY 15.
Le second part de les reports del' cases en ley, que furent argues en le temps de le ... roy Edward le Tierce ... avec les notations & references a l'Abregement de ... [SirAnthony] Fitzherbert ...
by England | Brook, Robert, Sir, d. 1558 | Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538. Publisher: London : Printed by George Sawbridge, William Rawlins, and Samuel Roycroft ..., 1679Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CUPBOARD BAY 15]
(1). Location(s): Queen's Room, Principal Floor CUPBOARD BAY 15.
The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge Mr. Anthony Fitz-herbert. To which is added a commentary, supposed to be written by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. The ninth edition, collated with former editions, and corrected; some notes and references added; and the index considerably enlarged. In two volumes. ...
by Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538 | Hale, Matthew, Sir, 1609-1676 | Wyndham, Wadham, Sir, 1610-1668. Edition: 9th ed.Publisher: London : Printed by A. Strahan and W. Woodfall; for J. Butterworth, 1794Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: FIT]
(2). Location(s): Truro Corridor, First Floor FIT.
Le premier part de les reports del' cases en ley, que furent argues en le temps de le ... roy Edward le Tierce ... avec les notations & references a l'Abregement de ... [Sir Robert] Brook & [Sir Anthony] Fitzherbert ...
by England | Brook, Robert, Sir, d. 1558 | Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538. Publisher: London : Printed by George Sawbridge, William Rawlins, and Samuel Roycroft ..., 1679Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CUPBOARD BAY 15]
(1), Millbank
[Call number: QTO REP]
(1). Location(s): Queen's Room, Principal Floor CUPBOARD BAY 15, 5 GCS, Room 1-01 QTO REP.
The new Natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr Anthony Fitz-Herbert : To which is added a commentary, supposed to be written by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale.
by Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538 | Wyndham, Wadham, Sir, 1610-1668 | Hale, Matthew, Sir, 1609-1676. Edition: 9th ed., collated with former editions, and corrected; some notes and references added; and the index considerably enlarged ...Publisher: London : Printed by A. Strahan and W. Woodfall ..., 1794Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: 56D]
(1). Location(s): Brougham Room, Principal Floor 56D.
Les reports des cases contenus in les ans vingt premier, & apres en temps du roy Henry le VI. Communement appelles, The second part of Henry the Sixth, ... Avec une table perfecte des choses notables contenus en ycel'. Auxi vous aves in cest' impression les cases ici referres aux abridgments de [Sir Robert] Brook & [Sir Anthony] Fitzherbert.
by England | Brook, Robert, Sir, d. 1558 | Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538 | Barnewal, Robert. Syntomotaxia del' second part du roy Henry VI. Publisher: London : Printed by George Sawbridge, William Rawlins, and Samuel Roycroft ..., 1679Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CUPBOARD BAY 15]
(1). Location(s): Queen's Room, Principal Floor CUPBOARD BAY 15.
Les reports del cases en ley, que furent argues en le temps de ... les roys Henry le IV. & Henry le V. ... avec les notations & references al [Sir Robert] Brook, [Sir Anthony] Fitzherbert & [Nicholas] Statham.
by England | Brook, Robert, Sir, d. 1558 | Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538 | Statham, Nicholas, d. 1472. Publisher: London : Printed by George Sawbridge, William Rawlins, and Samuel Roycroft ..., 1679Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CUPBOARD BAY 15]
(1), Millbank
[Call number: QTO REP]
(1). Location(s): Queen's Room, Principal Floor CUPBOARD BAY 15, 5 GCS, Room 1-01 QTO REP.
Les reports des cases en ley que furent argues en temps du roy Edward le Quart. Avec les notations de les tres reverend judges [Sir Robert] Brook & [Sir Anthony] Fitz-Herbert ...
by England | Brook, Robert, Sir, d. 1558 | Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538. Publisher: London : Printed by George Sawbridge, William Rawlins, and Samuel Roycroft ..., 1680Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CUPBOARD BAY 15]
(1), Millbank
[Call number: QTO REP]
(1). Location(s): Queen's Room, Principal Floor CUPBOARD BAY 15, 5 GCS, Room 1-01 QTO REP.
Les reports del cases en ley, que furent argues à qvadragesimo and qvinqvagesimvm annum de ... roy Edward le Tierce ... avec les notations & references al [Sir Robert] Brook, [Sir Anthony] Fitzherbert & [Nicholas] Statham.
by England | Brook, Robert, Sir, d. 1558 | Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538 | Statham, Nicholas, d. 1472. Publisher: London : Printed for George Sawbridge, Williams Rawlins, and Samuel Roycroft ..., 1679Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CUPBOARD BAY 15]
(1), Millbank
[Call number: QTO REP]
(1). Location(s): Queen's Room, Principal Floor CUPBOARD BAY 15, 5 GCS, Room 1-01 QTO REP.
Les reports des cases en les ans des roys Edward V. Richard III. Henrie VII. & Henrie VIII. touts qui par cy devant ont este publies ... ove plusiers bonnes notes en la marge par tout le livre; qui referrent les cases al' abbregement de [Sir Robert] Brook, & autres lives des ans...
by England | Brook, Robert, Sir, d. 1558 | Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538 | Fleetwood, William, 1535?-1594. Annalium tam regum EdwardiV. Richardi III. Hen. VII. quam Hen. VIII. Publisher: London : Printed by George Sawbridge, William Rawlins, and Samuel Roycrroft ..., 1679Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: CUPBOARD BAY 15]
(1), Millbank
[Call number: QTO REP]
(1). Location(s): Queen's Room, Principal Floor CUPBOARD BAY 15, 5 GCS, Room 1-01 QTO REP.
Loffice et auctoritie de iustices de peace, in part collect per Sir Anthonie Fitzherbert Chiualer, iades vn de les iustices del common banke. Et ore le cinque foits inlarge per Richard Crompton vn apprentice de la common ley, et imprimee lan du grace 1606. A que est annex Loffice de viconts, bailifes, escheators, constables, coroners, &c. collect per le dit Mounsier Fitzherbert inpart. Et auxy certaine presidents de indictments, & auters choses ...
by Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538 | Crompton, Richard, fl. 1573-1599. Publisher: London : Printed for the Companie of Stationers, 1617Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: 2]
(1). Location(s): Salisbury Room, Principal Floor 2.