Treaty of mutual defence between the most serene and most potent Prince Charles VI. Emperor of Germany, &c. And the most serene and most potent Prince George, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Concluded at Westminster on the 25th of May, 1716.
by Great Britain | Holy Roman Empire. Treaties, etc. Great Britain, 1716 May 25. Publisher: London : Printed by S. Buckley , 1718Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: 6]
(1). Location(s): Salisbury Room, Principal Floor 6.
The treaty of peace, union, friendship, and mutual defence, between the crowns of Great-Britain, France, and Spain, concluded at Seville on the 9th of November, N.S. 1729.
by Great Britain | France. Treaties, etc. 1729 Nov. 9 | Spain. Treaties, etc. 1729 Nov. 9. Publisher: London : Printed by S. Buckley, 1729Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: 6]
(1). Location(s): Salisbury Room, Principal Floor 6.
Tractatus navigationis et commerciorium inter ... Annam, ... Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hibernæ, Reginam, & ..Ludovicum XIV. ... Regem Christianissimum, conclusus Trajecti ad Rhenum die 31 Martii/11 Aprilis anno 1713. Treaty of navigation and commerce between the most serene and most potent Princess Anne, by the Grace of God, Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and the most serene and most potent Prince Lewis the XIVth, the most Christian King, concluded at Utrecht the 31/11 day of March/April 1713. By her Majesties special command.
by Great Britain | France. Treaties, etc. Great Britain, 1713 April 11. Publisher: London : Printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1713Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: 6]
(1). Location(s): Salisbury Room, Principal Floor 6.
Treaty of peace between His Imperial and Catholick Majesty Charles VI, and His Royal Catholick Majesty Philip V. concluded at Vienna the 30th of April 1725. Treaty of commerce between His Imperial and Catholick Majesty Charles VI, and His Royal Catholick Majesty Philip V. Concluded at Vienna, May 1, 1725. Treaty between the King of Great Britain, the most Christian King, and the King of Prussia. Made at Hanover the 3d of September 1725.
by Holy Roman Empire. Treaties, etc. Great Britain, 1725 Sept. 3 | Great Britain. Treaties, etc. Holy Roman Empire, 1725 Sept 3. Publisher: London : Printed by Sam Buckley , 1725Availability: Items available for reference: House of Lords Library - Palace
[Call number: 6]
(1). Location(s): Salisbury Room, Principal Floor 6.
Image from
Image from
The Foreign Secretary / by Neil Hart.
by Hart, Neil. Publisher: Lavenham, Suffolk : Terence Dalton, 1987Availability: Items available for loan: House of Lords Library - Palace (1). Location(s): Dewey 942 HAR.